Human is social being. In this society they live together and need safety place where they can live happily. For this reason, they make a place what is called “HOME”. There is a proverb in English “home sweet home”. From this proverb we can understand that Home is very nice place to human.
Everybody like home of themselves. That’s why, when a man back home after a working day with tired body and mind, they feel good. So, we can say it is very important place for a human. Human is worship of beauty. That’s why man wants decorating his home what is very suitable and acceptable to every one. Not only every one but also when he back home after his very busy working day, he forget his tiredness to see his suitable home’s performance.
Bengali are creative from birth. We can find it’s proved from Bengali King’s marvelous palace. This palace was not only nice from out side but also its inside was decorated with mind-blowing furniture and other attractive things. That time only the palace was decorated mind-blowing. But other normal people who are live in these society they could not able to decorate his home like his mind, cause of their poorness with kingdom’s reactions. But we can find that; decorate their house how much they able to did.
The day is change, now there is no king, and their reactions. Every man is independence in Bangladesh’s society. That’s why everybody makes beautiful their lovely home with his mind and this practice is very long for Bengali. Though, in 1971 Bengali get his independent place and nationality, but they are decorating their home very concisely from not only kingdom of Pakistan, but also kingdom of English.
But in this time of globalization no body is stay in back. Bengali decorate their home with own cultural materials, other side now-a-days they use various kinds of thing what is very popular in other country.
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