Process of Home Decoration by Bengali people

Today’s Bangladesh is staying advance from other country. Cause of its creativity. I said before that “Bengali people are very creative from birth”. It is very simple that, one man’s mind can’t similar to other. So in a country there are live many people, and their mind also different from each other. Other side, there are different between financial. In Bangladesh there are live in three kinds of people what is define on financial: they are high class people who are very rich people, low class people who are very poor, and middle class people who are define on three categories also high, middle, and low middle class they are not very poor and not very rich actually. That’s why every person’s Home Decoration is not same. But every person tries best to him.
Now, I want to tall about these three kinds of people how they are Decorate their Home. The Rice people decorate here home by calling Interior designer. Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants, and are aesthetically attractive. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with code and regulatory requirements, and encourage the principles of environmental sustainability.
The work of an interior designer draws upon many disciplines including Environmental psychology, architecture, product design, and traditional decoration.
For Middle class people, Home decoration is not only a decoration or a beautification concept. It is a vast concept related with life and lifestyle. The basic elements of Home decoration is, designing, decoration, lighting, artificial ceiling, utility, comfort etc.
Low class people in Bangladesh are no able to decorate their home gorgeously or comfort. But, they decorate their home with varies kinds of crafts. Which will I inform more in future.